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Advent: A Reflection

I have always been completely enchanted by Advent. It is a challenge to the hustle we are constantly bombarded with; to simply, stop, wait and prepare for the coming of Christ.

Even from a young age, the rebelliousness of not putting Christmas decorations up in early December was my own little liturgical snub of the world and embracing of the Church’s year. It wasn’t hard though, the Advent season is full to the brim of riches, beauty and graces that the rest of the world forgoes and we Catholics can so easily access.

When I was about four or five, I remember sneaking out in the very early morning, just as the sun was rising and no one in the house was awake, to peer at the Advent Wreath and marvel at its beauty. I knew little Baby Jesus lay hiding under a conspicuously placed poinsettia and we just had to make it through the three purple and one rose candles to joyously lift the flower and celebrate His birth!

Each year after this, my mother gave me the greatest honour of preparing the Advent Wreath. The excited care I took, laying the wreath out, the candles and the carefully veiled Christ Child was the highlight of my year - paradoxically, I almost looked more forward to the first Sunday of Advent than Christmas Day itself. My little heart would race as our home altar transformed from a few dusty statues, misplaced holy cards and a mix match of candles to a table overwhelmed by lush greenery (albeit fake as anything fresh would wilt in the summer heat), angels, colourful candles and the all important manger!

I used to think it very unnatural to celebrate Christmas in Summer! It didn’t seem to fit - all the customs and traditions just made sense for cozying up by a fire! Yet, there is a certain slowness and calm to an Australian December. The school year slowly ebbs to a close until the final days are spent playing games and tidying out lockers. The days themselves become so long that it is nearly impossible to see both the dawn and dusk. The midday sun is so scorching that it forces you indoors to be strewn in front of a dusty old fan and do barely anything. Baking and cooking is kept to the absolute necessities as it’s too hot to use the oven and the evenings are spent by the poolside. Even as the hectic and lively Christmas time fast approaches, the air conditioned shops become busier, the gifts under the tree multiply and the fridge starts to get packed with goodies, it seems as if it Advent will continue all summer long.

There is something that I find so profound in this Aussie Christmas Spirit! As the Advent season begins, it’s an ideal time to step back from the world and dive headlong into the vastness of Advent. With three children four and under, my days are eternally long but incessantly busy. I so easily fall into the trap of rushing from one thing to the next and chronically throwing myself into projects that are all consuming. It takes so much mental energy to simply slow down… but the results are incomparable.

Nevertheless, this Sunday, I spent time with my children to slowly decorate our Advent wreath and gently place the candles in their position. We discussed the wreath, its meaning and what we must do to prepare for Christmas. Together, we decided on our Advent offerings, blessed the Jesse Tree and hung the first ornament. As the days and weeks roll over, we will meditate on the scripture readings and light each Advent Candle in its turn. In opposition to the world, this Advent we are slowing down and waiting for Christ’s coming.

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