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Advent: A Reflection

I have always been completely enchanted by Advent. It is a challenge to the hustle we are constantly bombarded with; to simply, stop,...

The Easter Basket

The Easter Basket has become a popular Easter gift to give family members and friends but its origins and meaning are far more symbolic...

A Blessed Birth

Birth is something that is met with a flood of both fear and excitement. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, it has been a moment that women...

Lenten Motherhood

The season of Lent is the season to recuperate, detach from the world and deepen our life in Christ. We should focus on the sufferings of...

Mother’s Grace - A positive birth story

Before the birth of my son, I was riveted by reading beautiful stories of mother’s having extraordinary natural deliveries and wonderful...

Why I am not a Minimalist

The cult of minimalism has taken the world by storm over the past few years. Everything from "capsule dressing" to the "Marie Kondo"...

Pregnancy: A Love Hate Relationship

Dealing with morning sickness, a pinched nerve and pre-eclampsia! Some moments you can never forget… and this was one of the best ones....

Making a Home

My family's home has been, as it is now, for almost forty years. It was always constant and indeed, a true HOME! No matter where everyone...

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